About Us

Handloom Hose, is registered under sub section (2) of section 7 and sub section (1) of section 8 of companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014} – with the support of office of The Development Commissioner(Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India, under National Handicraft Development Program. This Non Govt Private company Ltd with the shares of Manufactures Artisans in Handicrafts Sector from Surendranagar.

We Work Hard To Provide You The Best Quality Tie & Dye, Applique work and Embroidery Ensembles.

The company helps embroidery artisans and traditional craftsman to reach contemporary needs of tomorrow in terms of new design techniques and marketing possibilities. We manufacture products, organize workshops, fair, exhibitions to improve the skills of artisans and also to foresee the marketing potentional in today’s market. We help to promote the craft in all possible manner- offline and online with a view to enhance business skill development, usage of digital platforms, access to social schemes/finance and direct market access.

Our Company

Handloom House acts as a supporting platform to help artisans find their opportunities and unexplored markets. We have developed workshops, tools and services that help build, grow and sustain an artisan led business.

Our Team

Powered by an incessant commitment to present crafts with world-class quality, we serve exceptional product designs and detail oriented artworks to every individual. At Handloomhouse, we wholeheartedly believe that the key to staying ahead is staying updated.

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